Sunday, November 23, 2008

sunday stealing

Okay-I'm addicted..... so I'm stealing again....

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Alissa Anderson at Life's Little Adventures. She explains that she was tagged for this meme from Holly’s blog. But, it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
Cheers to all us thieves! Sunday Stealing: The Favorite MemeFill in your favorite for each of the following:

1. Political show: Jon Stewart?

2. Picnic food: Turkey and Cheese Sandwich

3. Mixed drink: Southern and Orange Juice

4. U.S. President: Bill Clinton

5. Kind of student to teach: one that isn't dumb!

6. Hobby you do or wish you still did: Ice Skating

7. Sports commentator: John Madden---on MUTE of course

8. Sport to watch on TV: Football

9. Animal to have as a pet: A dog:) I miss my dog-Jameson, so much!
but Guinness was a good dog and Jack Daniels too, see the alcohol connection!! I'm going to take a vote on the next dogs name soon!

10. Halloween costume you have worn: I was a very cool frog when I was about 9.

11. Kind of dessert: ultimate chocolate chip cake

12. Comic strip: The Peanuts were the best

13. Ice cream flavor: Chocolate

14. News source: MSNBC/KYW

15. Vacation spot: The mountains

16. Wine: I'll pass

17. Way to waste time instead of working: Blogging

18. Reality show: The Biggest Loser/ I like the before and after

19. Childrens movie: Nemo/Monsters Inc.

20. Celebrity you wish would retire: Paris Hilton/Brittney


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Great job on the meme. How about Smirnoff for the dog? ;) Have a great Thanksgiving...

Purple Stinky Onion (PSO) said...

I like it, very much!!!! Good job...we will definitely consider it!