Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shark Week and Vacation

As some of you may remember from my post last summer we had a close encounter with a shark in the Outer Banks! And what would vacation be like with out having such as experience? Not normal obvisiously....
Today we saw a shark...yes not a dolphin....a shark yet again few feet from shore, urg!!!
I think it would be safe to say, they are truly my biggest fear!
Two weeks vacation and the start of The 25th Anniversary of SharkWeek is going to pretty much guarantee for me to have a Sunshine&SandCastles vacation, thanks Discovery Channel....hahaha


OscarDelRosario said...

Seeing sharks near you must be pretty creepy.

I was just looking around for some blogs and I found yours. By the way, nice welcome picture - it made me laugh

Pastor Drew said...

This will help :)

Unknown said...

Have a nice holiday~ Best wishes to you ~

X'Mas Special

Unknown said...

your profile pic made me want to throw up. ;)

Anonymous said...

This is not the first of your posts I've read, and you never cease to amaze me. Thank you, and I look forward to reading more.

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