Monday, November 17, 2008

letting go

When I worked the other night- it was very busy. I took the mother of one of our newborns down to see her little one in the NICU and noticed, my favorite patients infant was not in it's room. I was very nervous, I had grown very close to mom/dad and have felt their pain over the past few months.

It came to my attention during the previous week the our dr.'s had finally given the parents a dx. that was VERY bad to say the least. And both Mom and Dad had agreed that this past Saturday night to discontinue care,. They would finally be able to hold their beautiful baby without the tubes and medications.

I was able to spend some time with them and their little one, and as sad and heartbreaking as it was, their baby was just as beauitful as the night I was able to help deliver her/him into this world. I hope to be as strong as they have been in the future and will conitnue to think about their family always.


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